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9 yr old Jack - Hates other dogs

20 9:29:25

hi, our 9yr old long legged jack absolutely hates all other dogs. he hates them so much that we have to cross the street to avoid dogs. is there anything to be done about this? we are wanting to get a puppy however we're terrified that if we leave the two alone our Jack (snippy) will injure the pup or worse!? thanks for your help

Hi Phil,
9 years old is a little old to be training, but no case is unworkable. It sounds like he needs some serious intervention and "good citizenship".  I recommend you take him to a professional trainer and change his way of thinking. You're smart not to consider a puppy until this behavior of his is corrected. He could definitely injure or even kill the puppy if he is jealous of it.
Be consistent and thorough in your (re)training and the hard work will pay off. Good luck!!!