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Jack Russel Mating

20 9:29:27

I would just like to find out, my jack russel has been bleeding for 2 weeks today, 17 September 07. i had her with a male the whole time that she was bleeding and the people whom she was staying with said that they had mated a few times and after a few days they started fighting, what are the chances that she is pregnant?????? & should i take her back for this last week so that they can mate more???

Hello Samantha,

Usually you don't breed until the red bleeding stops and the females discharge is a very light yellowish straw color.
Ovulation takes place between day 11 and day 18 from the onset of estrus (heat/bleed). However, all dogs are different and have different cycles and ovulation times.
It takes a good couple of years to learn your own dogs cycle but if she and the male actually "tied" (got stuck together) the chance of her being pregnant is very good.
It's unusual that they would have actually "tied" if she wasn't ready. If she is fighting with the male dog, then she has had enough. Why are you breeding?
I suggest getting as much information, books, internet sites, and advice from wherever you can.  
Good luck