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Jack russell puppy with a 3yr cross jrt/westie

20 9:29:27

Hi i have a 3yr ld cross jrt/westie male ad have just got a male jrt puppy 11 weeks old,at first they did not go near each other then they were all over each other,now my 3yr old htes the puppy he snarls and bites and the puppy barks and jumps at him.My 3yr old was already a bit jekle and hide as he was treated badly before we had him 2 yrs ago.I am at my wits end the puppy ends up in the cage all the time. He is good and can sit give paw come and fetch and toilets outside still bites hands tho.I cant seem to get him not too.
Please what should I do I have a friend who wants the puppy and I think that might be better for him and better for my 3yr old. They are both Male dogs.

Hi Lynette,
I'm sorry you're having so much trouble.
It doesn't sound like your 3 year old is a very socially accepting dog. Unless you are home ALL DAY and can watch them very closely and do some heavy duty training, it doesn't sound like a very good match to me. Good breeders usually check to see what the home life will be for a puppy before they sell them to someone. Your breeder should have checked first before putting you through this. It's not fair at all to keep the puppy in a cage all day. It's not his fault at all, he's only being a puppy.
If there's a real chance he will get hurt, you should definitely reconsider your decision to keep him. I'm sorry
You're smart to inquire and care enough to find out the right thing to do. I don't think any other animal will be accepted in your home by your other jack. It's unfortunate he was mistreated as it really does have a negative affect on them for the rest of their lives. If you give the pup to your friend, at least you'll be able to see him and you're doing what's best for him. Best of luck to all of you.