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Toe nail clipping phobia

20 9:29:40

Hi, I've had my jack russell terrier for over 2 years now.... in this time I had to clip his nails whenhe was sleeping as a puppy because he just wouldnt sit sitll, and after he got bigger I had to muzzle him because he hates me clipping his nails So much, I always wondered why i mean he'd been with me since he was 7 weeks old I'd never clipped his claws too short before...once around chirstmas time last year because I was doing it by myself and he was struggling so much but the blood cam only  a pin prick makr on the nail...not a deep cut...but even before this he had to be muzzeled I mean he growls so he has to be but why? I can clip my labrador retiever's and boston terriers nails without a problem my boston will sit on my lap and wait til I say ok I'm done and kiss her before taking off my lab  just watching in amezment as I do hers lol. Is it because he ahd his dew claws removed as a puppy? they were done when I brough him the breeder not by myself he hates the clippers so much I have such a hard time doing them be myself and mostly I have nonoe to help wuith his nails and I dont want teh vet cutting them too short since the quicks are over growing with the nails...I know how to make the quicks recede without hurting him over time but my question today lies with why on earth does he hate the clippers so much? i have always used the plier style ones...and replce them when they get dull... i've never used the gilateen type one for fear of clipping too short.

Hi Tara,

A couple of things....
7 weeks was too soon for the breeder to give you the pup  (8 to 10 weeks is best)and I NEVER remove the dewclaws from my puppies because they still use them!! (to hold rawhides, bones etc). Some breeders have them removed for the "look" in the show ring but it's something that I completely disagree with.
Having them removed might have caused your dog's phobia because I hear it is a painful procedure. However,lots and lots of dogs just generally hate to have their nails cut. Sounds like you've done everything right so far. You could try to wrap him up very tightly in a towel or blanket so he cant move while you cut them. Or have someone be feeding him some cheese or other treat while you cut to distract him!  Don't worry about the veterinarians office doing the job for you, most technicians have been very much trained in cutting nails and can do it quickly and efficiently. Plus, there are many of them in the office to help if he gets out of control.
I cut, play with and touch my puppies feet and nails from the day they are born. Even if they are sleeping or playing or relaxing on top of me, I continually manipulate their feet. It gets them very accustomed to having their feet touched and makes nail cutting no big deal to them.
My dogs sit on my lap and let me cut their nails with no problems at all too, just like your other two. I truly think that all dogs are different and you probably just have a little guy who doesn't like it. Try playing, massaging and gently squeezing his paws as much as you can during the day and then later give cutting another try but if all else fails, give yourself a break and take him to the vet to have them done in five minutes! It doesn't cost too much here in Mass, around $5 and well worth it for your sanity :)
Best of luck!