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jack russell mix behavoir

20 9:29:34

i need to know if jack Russell mixes will behave well with other cats. i also need to know if jack Russell mixes will behave good with children and adults.

Hello Devin,
Unless you have a brand new puppy coming into the house that will be personally trained by you and grow up with the cats, there is no way to tell.
Puppies do much better with cats because they learn to respect them at a very early age.
If you bring a full grown Jack Russell or any dog for that matter, into your home that is already occupied by cats, you might have a problem, but then again you might not!
It's very hard to predict. It really depends on the personality of your dog. Is he a marshmellow? A chaser? Aggressive? Scaredy cat? .......
The same thing is true with children. It's always better to start of with puppies, but I know that's not always the way things work out. If you are getting a dog from a shelter, make sure you will be able to return it if there are any behavioral issues with the kids. Most places like RussellRescue will test their dogs and let you know if they are good with other pets and kids. If you're taking one out of the pound, proceed with caution! Give it a trial run and see how it goes. Best of luck to all of you !!
Take care,