Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Dog Breeds > Jack Russells > 3 @1/2 month old jrt

3 @1/2 month old jrt

20 9:26:59


I got my jack russel when she was 8 weeks old.. she is a great puppy... first question is what can i do when she sees other dogs and cant get to them and smell them she whines and barkes untill she cant see them nemore she doesnt want to hurt them she wants to play... what can i do to get he to stop when she sees other dogs... Sadie si a playfull pup she id great but when someone starts playing with her she starts growling but soon after seh start she is nipping at that person and then even going to bite and tug on clothes i correct her and tell her no and she stops and then my kids play with her again she keeps doing this is this normal...she did great with the houe training i might have one to two accidents a week she is very smart but my kids have scrathes all over them from her what can i do
thank you

Hi Ryan,
She's very cute but she is still very young.
It's crucial at this point to get her into a puppy kindergarten class where you will be taught how to correct and train her properly. Jack Russells need LOTS of exercise every day to burn off excess energy. Start a daily routine of walking/running/play/exercise and a lot of that "drive" to get to the other dogs should calm down. You could also, introduce her to the dog she is seeing to satisfy her curiosity and avoid the desperation to get to the other dog. She's still young and learning all about socialization.  There are many dog "schools" that offer "puppy kindergarten", and "puppy play" times which is GREAT for her to learn dog-socialization and how to get along with other dogs. She is playing with your kids as if they are puppies (with fur and not skin). Those new little teeth are sharp because they had to break through her gums but they can really hurt bare skin.  The puppy teeth will eventually fall out a few at a time and be replaced by adult teeth that won't be as sharp. Tell your kids when she starts getting rough to get up and refuse to play with her anymore. They should squeal in pain (act like a hurt puppy)and turn away from Sadie refusing to play with her anymore. I know it sounds weird, but that is what PUPPIES do with eachother and it is how they learn what is acceptable and what is not. When the puppy hears that she/he hurt her sibling and then they run or walk away from playing with her, it teaches her that she can't play like that or the playing stops.  
Start proper training now and you will have a happy, well-adjusted dog, and believe me it will make your life much happier too! Now is the time to start, not later. Try to find a good dog school in your area, (not PetCo or PetSmart) it's worth the money and will teach you and Sadie good learning foundations that will last a lifetime.
Good luck, she is absolutely adorable and it's obvious that you love her a lot!