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Is she a jack?

20 9:26:54


This is Isolde, our 10month old puppy.  The parents were supposedly both jacks but my husband lost the paperwork via the car window on his way home with her. im not sure if the breeder was an "actual" breeder i know he didnt dock the tails or get the dogs shots but she is so soft haired and sqirrel tailed (the overbite shouldnt make too much a difference right?) anyway, im just curious...

Hi Kasandra,
She looks like she has some Jack Russell traits, (the muzzle type, the white body) but there's no way of actually telling for sure unless you want to go and have her DNA breed tested. They can actually do that these days (but I think it's quite expensive).
I would call her a Jack Russell mix.
Overbites are cosmetic and shouldn't cause her any real problems.
She is very very cute but I don't respect the seller very much.
Make sure you get those vaccinations up to date immediately.
Best of luck with her!