Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Dog Breeds > Jack Russells > JACK RUSSEL TERRIER SKIN RASH ON STOMACH


20 9:27:07

I have just learned that feeding grapes to my Jack Russel dog is not recommended.   She has been fighting a rash on and off for the last year, could grapes be causing the rash or would it be something else that she is allergic to?

Hi Kathy,
Grapes are not just "not recommended", they can be DEADLY, and raisins too. Other human foods like onions, garlic, chocolate, macadamia nuts and sugarfree gum can also cause major problems and lead to death.  It's unsure whether the grapes have caused the rash because Jack Russells are highly allergic to many things. If the rash is just on her belly it sounds like it could be contact dermatitis (something her belly is coming in contact with - maybe the carpet on your floor or the grass outside). If she gets a rash elsewhere or it spreads, it is most likely a food allergy. Jacks can be very allergic to the wheat and other grains, so watch her closely. You can have allergy testing done with your veterinarian to be positive what it is but it's a good thing you stopped giving her the grapes.
Best of luck to both you of you!