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Jack Russell Tails

20 9:30:11

My brother owns a Jack Russell.  He read about their tails being docked long enough so it makes a good "hand hold". Now he had it in his head that he can carry his dog by the tail. Can you provide me with some info if this harmful to his dog or are Jacks built to sustain this type of treatment. I find it very bothersome and if it isn't good for them I would like to approch him with some hard core facts about the harm he may be doing to his dog. Thanks

Oh my! No you don't hold a dog by its tail no matter what type of dog it is! you can dislocate the tail or cause spinal injuares!!!!! The Show JRT's are fofen lifted onto and off of the judging playform with a hand under there chest and one on there tail but this isn't even nessairy. Its for moving to dog around the handhold thing your talking about but its for if yuor holding on the dogs front end and well you never want to put that much pressar on the tail....Its too late once the dog has a spinal problem, and cant walk anymore...tell him to stop now.