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Seperation Anxiety

20 9:26:34

Hi Carol-
  I have contacted you previously with good advice, so I am back!  I have an 8 month old JRT, we got him from another family about a month ago, and he has really attached himself to me. When I am there he is fantastic.  He will normally follow me around, and has lately been able to side track himself a bit and doesn't always notice when I leave the room- and he does fine. The problem however, comes when I leave in the morning for work.  He cries and whines at the back door. Somedays it is more like a howl, and I am concerned about the neighbors.  I leave him outside with doggy door access to the basement- where he has many toys, a bed, food and water, a crate, etc. He always gets two 'outings' a day (am and pm)- whether it be walks, jogs, or the dog park.  I am trying to leave and come back many times, so he knows I am not going to leave him forever- but I did read that it is harder for dogs who have moved homes.  What advice can you give for a crying dog? :)  I already know that having a neighbor come let him out is not really an option. What are your thoughts on anxiety treats? Should I take him to the vet?  Let me know what you think!


Hi Whitney,

You're doing the right thing by continually leaving and coming back, and remember not to go overboard with the goodbye's or greetings - make them very UNEXCITING, almost to the point of ignoring him when you come back in. You want to send a message that it's no big thing for you to leave or come back. He will eventually get the idea and not be so stressed out. Try to give him HEAVY DUTY exercise before you leave if you can, so he will rest and sleep while you are gone.
Also, get a KONG toy and stuff it with yummy treats and peanut butter which will keep him very busy trying to dig the treats out. If you do the same thing every time you leave, he'll get accustomed to it, they thrive on routine and will eventually be more comfortable with it
Hope this helps! You don't need to bring him to the vet, he's just going through an adjustment period. BEST OF LUCK!!