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Adding a jack puppy

20 9:21:32

I have an 8 year old female and we are wanting to add a new male puppy to our family. Our female is spoiled but got along very well with our male who passed 2 years ago at the age of 16. She likes to nest with her stuffed animals and we are hoping that she won't hurt the new puppy. Any suggestions for an easy transition or steps to take and signs that it could be disastrous.

Thanks in advance for any help and information. Have a great day!

Hello Leslie

I see you've put a lot of thought into this decision and that's a good thing! I think it's the best thing you can do to get your dog a friend.  Make sure you buy from a reputable breeder and that the parents of the pup both have excellent dispositions.  There are a few things you can do that will make the introduction and meeting a positive one.
If you can visit the new pup before bringing him home, bring his scent home on a hand towel or something (rub him with it) so your dog will familiarize herself with his smell. Put it in  her bed.
Have the two meet OUTSIDE on the front lawn, supervised. That way you aren't bringing the pup into "her" territory.  She will establish dominance right away.. meaning the puppy will get the message that she, for now, is "top dog".  When you go back in the house, make sure the puppy FOLLOWS her inside. This makes sure she feels unthreatened about being replaced and the puppy will learn respect.  YOU should ultimately be the first ones through the door, then the female and then the puppy.
Make sure the puppy has his own bed, own bowl, own toys, own blanket etc. Don't take anything FROM the female and give to the new pup.  Eventually they will share everything, but in the beginning it's important that they establish an understanding. She will take his new things but that's ok for now.
Give each dog time with you alone. Take your female for a walk, give her an extra cuddle on the couch, etc. Shower her with affection, reinforce your love to her.  
Keep everything positive so she knows this is a good thing.
Eventually she will grow to love him, not feel threatened, appreciate his company and form a lifelong bond.  
I'm so happy for you, and wish you the very best of luck!!!!!