Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Dog Breeds > Jack Russells > peeing


20 9:30:02

We have a "spoiled" Russell..When we leave him home (as he can't travel because he has bad manners) or late at night..he pees on the blinds, on the post of our bed, on the corner of the ottamon, on the corner of the dining table where the table cloth hands..Its so frustrating..we have had him cked (blood work .They say hes just who is is

Hello Faith,
It sounds like you need a basic manners class as well as re-training him to do his business outside. He's not just who he is.... he is what you train him to be.  You need to get the urine smell COMPLETELY out of the things he pees on on he will forever go to those spots.  You might even consider replacing some of the items if you can afford to.  You need to start over like he's a puppy and take him outside every single hour.  It's a lot of work but has to be done if you want to change the behavior. Praise him like crazy when he goes outside, use treats and positive reinforcement to make it a "good thing" for him to go outside.  You have to stay consistent.  Don't do it one day and not the next.  It might take you week or two but don't deviate from the schedule.
You may also want to get a crate and crate train him. They don't like to pee where they sleep. Put him in the crate when you go out. Give him a treat when he goes in so he associates it as a good place to be. Take him outside immediately when you get home. You have to re-train his brain to learn that outside is where he goes.
Good luck