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sick jack pup

20 9:29:06

9 week old male puppy threw up tonight. Right after this the pup seemed weak and wobbly. Whines a little here and there. Seemed fine before the vomit episode. Just wondering if we should be worried? What symptoms do we need to see before we go to the vet. This is the first night he's acted like this...but we are new owners and don't want to take any chances. His head is wobbly and he wobbles when he stands. The breeder gave us some vineson (deer meat) to feed him once a day. Is this normal?

Hi Jeremy,
I would never give a new puppy ANY raw meat. You should have him on a nutritionally balanced crunchy puppy food. I know there are some people out there who feed raw diets to their dogs, but not me, I don't recommend it at all.
When dogs vomit, the most serious thing to watch for is dehydration - he will become lethargic and they go down hill fast. Make sure he's DRINKING - and if not, go to the veterinarian immediately. If he still vomits, you should take him to the veterinarian too. Best of luck, you're smart not to take any chances at this young age.