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my female jack

20 9:30:01

Hello, we just got a female Jack Russell who is about a year old and I think that
she just came into heat, how long is she supposed to bleed and is it ok to have
her sleep in a diaper...what should we do?        Thank you  

Hi Sarah,
Dog's bleed for about 10 days, sometimes a little longer but no more than two weeks. Their heat cycle is usually every 6 months. You will notice the blood get lighter and lighter both in volume and color. When the discharge turns a yellowish color this is when she is MOST FERTILE. Be very careful to keep her away from other dogs and make sure she doesn't get loose!  Make an appointment to have her spayed soon.
I take the diapers off my dogs at night just to give them a break.  If you just put a towel down in her bed for the night she'll be fine and appreciate having the thing off her for a while.