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Jack Russell lumps

20 9:27:57

I have a Jack Russell 10yrs who has had a golf ball size lump near his neuter scar for 7years(fatty tumor). Over the last 2 weeks has developed 2 lumps about the size of a robin's egg, on each side of his neck and just below  those on one side a lump the size of a half dollar and one the same size  under right front leg. What could these be? He appears to be totally normal with the execption of the lumps.

Hello Bob,
Unfortunately there is no way I can diagnose your dog over the internet, but I can tell you what it sounds like it might be. It sounds very much like his lymph nodes are enlarged.
Lymph nodes become inflamed or enlarged in various conditions, which may range from the trivial, such as a throat infection, to life-threatening conditions such as cancers.
I would take him to the veterinarian for a physical exam, tests and the proper treatment. He might have a simple infection and need antibiotics, but because of his age, it might be something more serious and should be adddressed right away.
I wish both of you the very best of luck.