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Loosing fight with pee & poo inside.

20 9:27:42


I just read a question to you regarding this ad did not get an answer for myself, so thought I should ask myself :)

We have our JRT from 8 weeks called Jennifer, she is now 1,5 years old and all this time i have been just puzzled what can I do to make her lose the bad habit! She is never in the shortage of outdoors, we have lots of land surrounding the house, in fact when it is warm she stays outside all day, she has a friend Foster our German shepherd dog 8 months old who keeps her active and exhausted by the end of the day, she comes inside in late evening, in summers 10-11pm but almost every morning we wake up there is a pee or poo waiting for us in the kitchen, in one specific place, my hubby is up at around 6-7am and lets her out, just cannot understand why she cannot wait, she is outside all day active and she wakes up in the middle of the night and gos, the same if we go away and leave her at home, we are gone sometimes for no longer than couple of hours and she does it inside although she was all morning outside(that goes especially for pee) sometimes it is such a tiny amount that i am thinking if she does it intentionally! I have done all the praising etc, I am sure she knows its bad as every time she has done it she does not greet us in the morning stays in her bed ashamed! I have tried taking her water away for the night but it does not work. Is it a lost fight?

Thanks for any advice and help.

Hi Gunta,

It sounds like you're doing everything right - and she is probably peeing/pooping out of protest in being alone at night. They definitely can do it on purpose to show you they don't like the fact that you "left" them.  You can try to crate her during the night (they don't like to "go" where they sleep) or you could try letting her sleep with you in your room. Does she sleep with the other dog?  Dogs are pack animals and especially at night like to be together.  Also, clean the area in the kitchen that she "goes" on with a specific urine cleaner. Regular household cleaners don't get rid of the smell of urine or feces to dogs. They smell clean to us, but the dog can still smell the urine and will continue to use the same spot if it smells familiar to them. Urine Gone or Gonzo or some other pet product cleaner should work.
She's still relatively young, so don't give up yet!  
Best of luck