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Jack Russell Puppies and Their Tails

20 9:23:53

when is the best time to dock a Jack Russell puppy's tail and how is it done? I have 6 2 week old puppies and need to know thank you

Hi Peggy

Puppies tails are docked no later than 3 DAYS old. Anytime after that is extremely painful to the puppy and not at all advised, unless you want to put them under general anesthesia to do it... which causes a whole lot of other complications. More and more people are choosing to keep Jack Russell's tails naturally long now so you are with the "in" crowd.  My advice would be to just leave them alone now. Lots of people are preferring them long these days.

Best of luck on the puppies..... read some books on raising puppies there is SO MUCH more to know.  

Take care