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Jack Rusell

20 9:29:21

I take my Jack Russell out constantly on long walks how can I get him to stop using the bathroom all over the house? he does use the bathroom outside but in the house as well.I have used the wee wee pads but nothing seems to work

Hi Elle,
If he isn't neutered that's the first step you should take. Intact males seem to "mark" everything in site! Then you will probably have to start from scratch and retrain him as if he were an 8 week old puppy. Take him out CONSTANTLY, almost every hour if you can. I even do this around the clock when training new puppies.... you have to imprint it in his head that OUTSIDE is the place to do his business.
Praise him lavishly (almost to the point of looking ridiculous) and even give him a treat like cheese or something when he DOES go outside. Constant praise and rewards for doing the right thing goes a long way. Continue this for a good two weeks and he should finally get the idea of what he's supposed to be doing!
It's also crucial that you remove the urine smell from EVERYTHING that he has pee'd on in the house. This is no easy task! Most commercial cleaning products don't work.
Dogs can smell 1000 times better than us, and what looks and smells clean to us, still smells like urine to dogs.
Once a spot is marked, he will continue to use it as long as he can smell it. There are good products you can buy with special formulas like URINE GONE that work good. You can buy it online if you can't find it in the stores.
Have patience, and GOOD LUCK!!