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JRT morning trembling

20 9:29:11

I have an 11 year old female who over the past year has begin trembling and acting disoriented only in the mornings.  She acts anxious and has overall tremors.  After an hour or so she's back to normal.  

We thought it might be sugar related and have given her cheese and/or chicken jerky both before bed and first thing in the morning with no results.

Vet has looked her over and had no ideas.

She is slightly overweight but is active and engaged the rest of the time.

Any ideas?


Hello Steve,
As hard as it is to hear, what you described sounds like your beautiful Jack is simply getting old. Shakiness and confusion are also signs of dementia. I know the word dementia is scary but it's not something that happens instantly. It will start very slowly and you'll begin to notice subtle little signs here and there, like the disorientedness. Keep her happy, safe and loved and she'll be fine. Dementia is very common in aging dogs and can happen over a period of YEARS. Later down the road, you might see some more unusual behaviors like pacing, forgetfulness, etc. If it gets very bad, there are some medications that can help. Best of luck!