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possessiveness & messing in house

20 9:21:29

Hi Carol, I got my Jack Russell from someone who just couldn't handle the hyperness of a Jack Russell I just love her But She has attached herself to me wherever I am she is. If I am cleaning or anything she just runs throughout the house in a panic state when I sit she is right beside me. When I home she is fine when I leave she will mess in the house Just wondering what I can do to break her from doing this when I leave it is like she is doing it from separation anxiety.

Hi Sheryl -
I'm sorry you're going through this, I understand it's really hard. There is an EXCELLENT article on Separation Anxiey on WEBMD for dogs. I tried to copy and paste the link here for you but it wouldn't allow me to.  It's so thorough (8 pages) of causes, concerns, cures, tips etc.  I swear by it!!!  Please search WEBMD SEPARATION ANXIETY IN DOGS and the article should come up. If it doesn't, please email me and I will do my best to get it to you! Good luck!