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Overweigh but fit Jack Russell?

20 9:23:53

Hi, my JR is 3 years old and weighs about 11kg. I can't feek his ribs. He is very active though and his space is not restricted. He runs and hunts and chases a lot. I still feed him the same food and also the same amount as before. About 3 months ago, we got a young female puppy (not JR). And a friend's dog has been staying with us for about 3 weeks now. Is my Jack Russell maybe a bit depressed about the other new dogs? Or is there something else?

Hi Renee,

You didn't say how fast the weight gain was - if it was over a long period of time, it could be that he is not quite as active as  he used to be, eating some of the other dog's food when you aren't looking or yes, maybe wondering what all these dogs are doing here now and feeling a little down and less active.  If it was a rapid weight gain it would be best to take him to your veterinarian to be looked at for any metabolic changes or growths etc.
Best of luck to you and your doggies!