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Running with a Jack Russell Pup!

20 9:27:17

My Jack Russell pup is 18 weeks old, I am a keen runner and would like to take him running with me. Is he still a bit young to go running? When and how far can they run? He seems very fit and has plenty energy but i dont want to over do it.

Hi Allie,
Running will be his most favorite thing to do with you, it's a fantastic thing for both of you! He is still young so go easy and increase the time gradually. By a year old he will be better and faster than you! At four months he should be able to keep a steady pace with you for a good 15 minutes. Increase the time by 10 minutes for every month of his age. If he pulls back and stops, he's had too much. Always have water available for him and never over exert when it is HOT outside, remember he has a fur coat on.
Start slow and gradually increase with age. You'll be able to tell by his actions (or inaction) when enough is enough.
Good luck with him, what a great team!