Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Dog Breeds > Great Danes > DANE COLORS


20 9:00:49

I have a what I call a black female.  The only white markings she has on her is on her chest.  Although within in white patch she has dark black or dark grayish spots.  Is she considered as a "pet marked black"?

Here is the exact wording from the AKC standard:

Black--The color shall be a glossy black. White markings at the chest and toes are not desirable.

Any variance in color or markings as described above shall be faulted to the extent of the deviation. Any Great Dane which does not fall within the above color classifications must be disqualified.

Now this is the standard for the show ring. So yes in theory this would make your dog a pet marked black. Although some people can get away with a little white in the show ring, most cannot.

But please do not think that just because you may not have a pet marked, which would make it a show marked color, does not mean that they are worthy of being bred. There is a big misconception that because someone has an all black Dane, or a brindle or fawn that is show marked they can breed it...because that is not the case.

There are many other things you have to look at before making a choice on whether or not your dog is worthy of being bred, and color is the last thing on the list.

Along with color you have to look at your dogs pedigree, their overall body, head, teeth, angulation, topline, temperament, forequarters, hindquarters, neck, body, height, general appearance, proportion, and substance.

If your purpose for breeding is for the betterment of the breed and to produce a quality show puppy...then that is a great reason to breed...

If you want to breed your dog because you want to make some money off your puppies, then do your dog a favor and get her spayed...

I am by no means trying to attack you in anyway but I have to back up my explanation in color because if I answer this in a way to make you think that you have a show marked dog, that constitutes a reason to breed that dog, and that is just not the case...

Without seeing a complete picture of the dog I cannot tell you whether or not she would be pet-marked.