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Bulldog puppy with sounds congested

19 16:21:30

My bulldog puppy's runny nose cleared up quite well with antibiotics.  
However, sometimes, ususally mornings, she still sounds congested.  She is
breathing fine but I can hear rumbling or gurgling in her nose.  Sometimes
there is not sound, sometimes when she sleeps, she snores and sometimes,
there is quite.

My other bulldogs made lots of funny noises but not this one.  Does this have
anything to do with her runny nose?  She eats, plays and does all other
normal puppy things.

Once a puppy has contracted an upper respiratory infection, even after it has cleared up you will still here the gurgly sounds, especially in the morning. A relapse is always a possibility because their lungs never really clear out the gunk. She sounds fine. Just be watchful of another infection.