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How much feeding & best food choice


Hi Michelle,

I have a 7 week old kitten, very energetic & loves to play. I got him on Aug 24. I've been leaving wet food out for him (Fancy Feast). He's been eating about 6oz daily. His stool was very stiff, but now it's very loose & the odor is very loud & he goes much more often, now. He seems more intrested in sleeping more now than playing. I checked his stool and it doesn't look like diarrhea but it is very soft and I thought I saw a very tiny spot of blood. Should I be worried about that? Is there anything else you would recommend feeding him because he makes a big mess of himself everytime he eats? How often should I feed him? Should I leave food out for him?

Thanks in advance for your help.

Hi Shawn,

A bit of blood in the stool usually means that they kitten is suffering from gastro intestinal parasites such as "worms." Coccidia is also very common in kittens, and runny stool with sulfuric odor will accompany this condition.

In either case, a vet visit is always best so that you can get the suited anti-parasitic medication. With kittens, loose stools can lead to dehydration rather quickly, so appropriate medical attention is important.

Once you get his GI fauna in check, I would suggest a carnivore appropriate diet of raw meaty bones and small whole prey. -"Whoa, what in the heck is this crazy woman talkin about!?" You may be thinking. haha Here are a couple websites to set you off in the right direction:
Feel free to write me back here or email if you have more questions.

Good luck with your new kitten and congrats on your new addition!
