Pet Information > ASK Experts > Cats > Cat Food > is evo ok to feed to a cat who has had past urinary probelms

is evo ok to feed to a cat who has had past urinary probelms


Thanks for all your help  i have one more question for you i have 6 cats and i have started them all on evo Well my one male cat hes 7 and has had alot of urinaryprobelms he had a operation to keep him from getting obstructed he had one obstruction so he is now on cd hills but i hear bad things about being on that for to long Is evo ok to give him to?  

Hi Shannon,

You don't say if it is Evo dry or canned. I would not feed dry to any of them, and especially not a kitty with urinary problems - they need the extra moisture in canned. Evo canned is a much better choice than Hills CD, but read on...

Here's a link for more information on what to feed and some natural supplements that can help him (especially during a flare-up):

Slippery Elm Bark or Marshmallow Root, made into a syrup (1/2-1 hour apart from food or medications, can syringe in mouth or mix in small amount of food, 5-10mL 4-5 times a day), Cornsilk Tea made from decaffinated tea in bags (just brew a cup of it and give in food - I give around 5-10mL a few times a day mixed in food), D-Mannose - just a pinch in food, and NOW brand Glucosamine Sulfate (you can also use Chrondroitin Sulfate with Glucosamine Sulfate) 500mg in acute stage, and 250mg for maintenance for a couple to a few weeks (more dosing info on the Holisticat link above), are what help my boy, Abby, when he had a bad case of IC/FLUTD. Abby's IC is related to stress, so I also give him Flower Essences if a stress related event happens (a kitty fight outside an open window is one trigger - Abby is an inside only kitty). I now recognize the signs right away and start giving him the above supplements right away. His last episode only lasted a few hours and never got real bad, like the first time did.

Monitoring your kitty's pH is important, too. My Abby normally/naturally runs a higher pH, so I have to "tweak" his diet and add extra chicken breast meat (and the bones to keep the calcium to phosphorus ratio correct) to his diet because breast meat is naturally higher in methionine (which helps regulate pH) and helps to lower his pH to a safer level (I feed a balanced raw diet to my 3 kids).

Please consider joining the Holisticat Community. It isn't free to join as a member (around 7-cents a day for a yearly membership), but so well worth it for all the invaluable information there that is cat-specific.

HTH a bit - if you have any other questions, please let me know.

Hugs 'n headbutts,
