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Older kitty lost teeth picky eater;



"The Queen"
I have an older kitty that was partially wild when we meant her 8 years ago... Took us two years to coax her to come inside.. And has taken us since to gain her trust so she understands that we are not going to hurt her... I am not sure how old she is, but she was grown when she showed up and my other cats were 6 months old. She had been neutered and declawed and had at sometime obviously been abused by her fear of people and certain things like a woodspoon... She was still is allowed to go outside and in the summer we play the game of basically red light green light while she works her way to the door.. She won't come in any other way, until you play the game with her... Her nick name is "The Queen" and she has a little attitude to match her regalness..

She is not a cat you can cuddle, but occasionally she will let you pet her and I have found her curled up next to me in the morning...  A month ago she shocked the family by climbing in my lap, probably her way of saying help me, and she was drooling horribly, but wouldn't let me get ahold of her to get a good look.. My first thought was she had been poisoned or gotten into something... I tricked her and got her in the cat carrier and off to the vet we went... They found her whole little mouth infected and she had teeth falling out... So after surgery and lots of antibiotics I now have a happy and pretty much toothless little cat...

She is now on canned cat food, which she always loved before, now she turns her nose up at it like it is not to her standard... I have tried every decent brand out there, I have made some homemade recipes I have found on the web and she looks at me like How dare you serve me this...She doesn't seem to have lost any weight as of yet, and she plays more now then she ever did.. Weather has cooled off so she has not asked to go out, seem content to play and be the queen of the house..Her coat looks good, eyes clear... Vet doesn't seem to feel there is a problem and there might not be, but for her to go from one day eating okay to not worries me.. Any ideas would be appreciated.  

Hi ladies!  Thanks for the nice photo of your Queen!  Boy, she is lucky to have you as family.
Now, you say that you have made home-made and purchased every brand.....
Well, as a last resort I refer many to RAW feeding - Cats do very well with raw.
Here is the Hawaii Pet Chef - look at her recipe for Raw with her own cats.
I have sent many to her web site and they have enjoyed feeding raw.
So, see here:
And BEST of Luck to you....
Hawaii Pet chef