Pet Information > ASK Experts > Cats > Cat Food > cat hair loss NuVet Feline Formula and Olive oil;

cat hair loss NuVet Feline Formula and Olive oil;


My 10 lb male cat has been on Hill's dry c/d food since having urinary blockage about 9 months ago.This is all he eats. He is doing well except for a very dry coat that now has symmetrical bald patches on his back and scabs confined to a small area half way down on tail. Any supplements that could rehydrate his coat? He has access to water 24/7. Thank you.

Glad to help - Keep me posted

Hi Dan, Cat's tend to have very dry skin on the Hill's Products:
Here is some help for you:

1.  Add 1/2 teaspoon of olive oil to his food each day - ( just 1 time per day)
PURE olive oil

2.  Please add some NuVET Feline Formula - excellent and safe for his bladder/urinary problems,
Very helpful to heal inflammation in the kidney and ureters.  
Sold here:
Use this discount code to get the 15% off program   (81098) ( Tell them Marie sent you)
Not sold in stores; Holistic / Natural
This will help the skin to soften and hair/fur regrowth

Thanks for the Question and Good luck in 2011 Happy New year!

Marie Peppers