Pet Information > ASK Experts > Cats > Cat Food > feeding kittens; wet cat food sojo mixes;

feeding kittens; wet cat food sojo mixes;


my kitten likes whiskas pouches but shes not a lover on the dry food ive tried giving the dry food in a different bowl and she hardly eats it she would rather the pouches ive tried mixing it and she donesnt gobble it down with it mixed it but she will eat it she i just give her the dry food or should i continue mixing it or just the wet food or give her i pouch a day and the dry stuff

feeding kittens wet cat food;  SoJo mix - for cats;
Hi - let me know if you need more help??  Also, if you try the SoJo cat food mix - let me know how they like it?  Also, let me know what meats you add to the mix.
BEST wisehs...

Hi Vikki -  It is fine to give your kitten the Wet cat food.
Keep a dish of Dry cat food out for her...
She may start to like it in time...
It is very important that your kitten eats - so feed the pouch.

Good job !  keep trying

Marie Peppers / Ask the Pet Nurse

She May like the SoJo cat food - home made with some help:
see here
sojo mixes: