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Kitten Food



My persian kitten is 50 days old. My issue is, she is not eating food already served in the plate. I am working and I have to leave her alone in the house with her food and water. So I serve her food in the morning but she is not eating that and when I come back and serve her food she will start eating. What should I do? Also she has stopped drinking water. Please advise.

Hi Hemali,  Can you get some cottage cheese?  She needs more calories.  Also, do you have jar baby food in your stores?  Many cats will eat the mush chicken baby food - place some of that on a plate for her.  
She is just a little baby, so you may need to sit with her ,2 x per day, when she eats.
Also, you may want to see the Vet for more tips on foods.
I don't know the brands in your country.

Good Luck

Marie Peppers LPN MA