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Kitty with thyroid problem


Please help me.  My kitty, Chewbacca, is about 13 years old and wasn't eating ....he has recently lost over 3 lbs (he was a little overweight, but I am very concerned about this).  I took him to the vets and they had tested his blood.  Chewy now is taking 1/2 pill of Methaimazole  (5 mg) 2ce a day. I can home from the gym and he had a terrible case of diarea..pool lil thing.  He was throwing up so bad before I took him to the vets, but now the lil guys is going in the other direction of his body.  Please tell me how long it takes before this medicine works and he may eat again.  Also, I have given him his pills in a pill pocket, which he loves but when he throws up, he throws up the pill also.
I am worried sick about Chewy.
Please help??
I want to call the vets again, but he is so scared in the car.  I got him at a shelter and I think kids kicked him a lot and abused him..he is scared of poor lil boy
Thank you
Chewy's Mom Kath-e

HI Kathleen and Little Chewbacca!   Call the Vet to see if this drug is in liquid form?
If not, Ask if the pill can be crushed and mixed into some tuna?
As for the loose stools, that can be normal when on new medication.
Please call the Vet and explain that you were just in for a visit.  Make it clear that you would like some advice without rushing your kitty back into the office. Explain the stress that a car ride does to little Chewbacca.

Best wishes....

Marie Peppers LPN MA

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