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become your cats Chef.... ;


I have a 12 year old tabby, over the last few months he has become very fussy about his food, he's fed 4-5 sachets a day, but lately will eat just a few bites then dart off. he will then return in an hour to meow until he is fed a new sachet, even when there is a pile of food still there that is not that old. how can i get him to finish what's on his plate as its getting expensive. He's not overweight and generally in good health and gets a lot of attention.


cats love SoJo home co
Hi Lewis - I bet your cat kid won't be able to resist the SoJo mixes and you can get them in the U.K. ...
Here is the link to SoJO - YOU add fresh meats lightly cooked or raw. CATs do well on raw compaired to dogs.
SEE here:

Also, you may want to check out this article...

I hope you decide to become your CAT's CHEF..
