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feline urinary and digestive problem


My 10 year old neutered male cat has had blocked bladder and has been put on a diet of CD's dry cat food.  He pukes it.  My vet says keep giving it to him.  Oscar recently had to be "cleaned'" out by the vet who said he now has "mega colan".  His poop is hard,small and rare.  I give him 2 tablespoons of sticky syrup prescription medicine twice a day. The medicine is suppose to draw water into the colan.  What a fight.  I am at work and can't remember the name of the medicine but can get it if you need it.  My question is, is there another brand of food to give my cat that he won't puke.  Another brand that is equivilent to the CD's which I understand has medical qualities he needs for the blocked bladder prevention.  I have read and understand he needs wet food.  I bought CD's in the can, he will not eat it.  The vet says keep giving it to him.  This is expensive and he will not eat it.  I am considering going out of town to another vet for a 2nd evaluation.  Oscar is not loosing weight, in fact he is gaining.  He is a chubby happy cat, but I am afraid with his age and this problem something awful might happen.  What are your thoughts.


SoJo cat food mix - ad
Oh Poor Oscar! I know why he doesn't want to eat the Hill's C/d food - it smells awful!
As far as the liquid for the mega colon - it is the best you can give- If you can't get it down then ask the vet for something in a powder form.

As far as the food - You can try the SoJo home cooking program - We have had great luck with this -  you add your own lightly cooked meats to the SoJo mix -  You may be able to add some SOJO and Hill's C/d and mix them -  The SoJo's is great as long as you add mainly white meats to the SoJo mix:
see here:  ( free shipping link;)

We can also come up with some home-cooking recipes for cats with bladder stones and cyrstal problems.

Let me know if you try the SoJo???

BEST wishes guys!

Marie Peppers LPN MA