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Cat doesnt want to eat and has diarrhea.


I found a cat in my neighborhood that is really thin and I can feel his spine. He has no owner and I decided to take him into my home. I have try feeding him and does not want to eat. I try giving him wet food and he will lick the juices for a little bit, but mostly he does not finish it at all. I try dry food and does not eat it. He seems very tired and recently he has diarrhea. I do not now if this was cause by him eating wet food. help....

Alma, that was so nice of you to take in the stray cat.
Please go to the vet for a good check up and Wormer.
I am sure this cat kid has a few diff kinds of worms.

Also, give some WET canned Cat food or just offer some kitten formula in a saucer.

Please see the vet - Make sure you TELL them this is a stray - Many times they will give you a discount if they know you rescued or took in a Stray pet.

BEST wishes to you...
Marie Peppers

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