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Healthy Cat Food? SoJo home cooking : meow mix just short term ;


I just ran out of the current cat food that I was feeding my two cats, Blue Buffalo and now tomorrow morning they have to start eating Meow Mix. Is switching them to that brand of food going to make them sick and eventually kill them?

Due to my circumstances of being unemployed..I am unable to get them anything except what the Humane Society gives me. Please help. I am feeling like a bad pet parent.

Hi Lisa, Well, you have to do what you can right now..... They will not die from Meow mix ....AS soon as you get a new job, just purchase a better quality food.
Also, make sure they always have plenty of fresh water...
Add a few ice cubes in the water dish.
Try SoJo home cooking mixes in the future...
HOME cooking for cats with SoJO