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Older, obese cat, compromised renal function


My 10 year-old ginger tabby cat, Hazel-Rah, has become obese. He also recovered from a urethral obstruction last summer which put him into renal failure. I cannot afford the reducing diet my vet prescribed. Is there anything I can make him at home which will reduce his weight (20lbs) without compromising his renal function or blocking his urethra again? I was feeding him the Science Diet k/d, then the r/d, but I lost work and since then I've been giving him the Purina Urinary Tract Health in 2 measured feedings of 1/4 cup each per day to help him reduce. Am I doing the wrong thing? His blockage and the subsequent treatment put me in debt for a year until I paid back the $3,000 vet bill. I only make $1200 a month, but I love my 2 cats and dog like my children. Please help!

_________________ follow up on cat with kidney ______________________
Hi Jenny - I was wondering if you tried the home cooking for your cat with kidney troubles?  I am here for you if you need me.
Marie Peppers
Ask the Pet Nurse

Wow Jenny - I sure do understand your situation.  
yes, here is a recipe that will help ....
Also, you will need to purchase a low cost supplement ( NuVET Feline)

 Try this one:

Dr. Pitcairn's Feline Diet for Kidney Problems

1 1/3 cups (2/3 pound) ground chicken, or turkey
4 cups cooked white rice
4 eggs
2 tablespoons cold-pressed safflower, soy or corn oil
1,500 milligrams calcium  ( TUMS)
1/8 teaspoon iodized salt
1/8 teaspoon potassium chloride (optional , for a saltier flavor)

5,000 IU vitamin A  ( NOT needed if you use NuVET Vitamins)
Taurine and other cat vitamins - NOT needed if you use NuVET)

Mix everything together in a large bowl. ** mix all but the vitamins together, bake about 20 minutes in a moderate oven and then wait until it cools to mix in the vitamins.
Occasionally, substitute 1 to 3 teaspoons of liver for
part of the meat.
You can give 1/2 teaspoon per meal of the NuVET feline Vitamin.
( Or just 1/2 teaspoon 1 x per day **  1/2 the reg dosage )
YOU don't have to pre add it the the entire mix.

NuVET is a holistic feline vitamin : see here:
Not sold in stores:  Thru holistic vets
( cost is about .35 cents per day per cat)
1-800-474-7044  Use order code 81098 and tell them Pet Nurse Marie sent you.

When switching to a homemade diet, please consult with your vet about
your kitty's particular needs.
Some of these recipes have 'general' guidelines, which may or may not
be suitable for your cat!

BEST wishes!

Marie Peppers LPN MA
Ask the Pet Nurse