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Kitten Diet


Is raw chicken ok for a 9 week old Kitten.  What should we be introducing to the kittens diet at this far, kitten eats kitten dry kibble and water...not much else.

Hi Michelle, sorry for the delay in replying - I've had the flu and feel pretty crummy. :)

With regards to feeding raw chicken, this would be fine as long as it was a balanced raw diet. Just feeding parts of chicken alone, without balancing the calcium to phosphorus ratio is not good. Kitties need a 1.1:1 - 1.4:1 ratio of calcium to phosphorus. By only feeding chicken meat, kitty is getting too much phosphorus. Also the diet would be lacking in a lot of essential nutrients that kitties need. Occasional treats of raw meat are fine, unless you are going to go all the way and do a balanced raw diet (which I would highly recommend).

I wouldn't feed any cat or kitten kibble. Kibble is bad for kittens and cats for so many reasons. You can read more about this here: That's actually my kitty, Abby, in the photo there. LOL All 3 of my kitties eat a balanced raw diet.

For your little one, I would find the best canned foods containing real human-grade meat, no by-products, and no grains. I would not feed grocery store brands such as Friskies, etc. They are crappy foods. If you go to this link it will give you options on different diet choices and help in choosing the best diet for your little bubby.

Hope this helps a bit. If you have any other questions, please ask away.

