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Diet for feline kidney stones;


My cat is 12-1/2 yrs. old and acts very normal and healthy in all ways, i.e, uses litter box, plays, etc.  The vet x-rayed her and she has never seen so many kidney stones in a cat before.  She is now on NF dry, and a combination of wet foods for her condition.  In the past I have cooked albacore tuna, beef and chicken breast as her main diet, along with wellness dry.  By cooking her the latter 3 foods, has this contributed to her developing kidney stones, and if so, I will continue the diet recommended by the vet and hopefully the stones will dissolve??? at some point. BTW, the has had this condition (blood in her urine) since she was a young kitten.  She is a pedigree (Egyptian Mau) and maybe this is common in this breed.  Please advise.  Thank you.

Hi Bobbie, I know you did the best you could.  Now you are more educated on her special needs.  If she likes your home cooking, I can give you special recipes for cats with stones.
Some cats are very prone to kideny crystals and stones thru a lifetime.  
Let me know if you want a recipe ?
Here is my private e-mail:

Marie Peppers / Ask the Pet Nurse