Pet Information > ASK Experts > Cats > Cat Food > Picky Eater hawaii pet chef raw feeding and nuvet:

Picky Eater hawaii pet chef raw feeding and nuvet:


We discovered after adopting our sweet new cat that she is an extremely picky eater.  She won't touch dry food, she does eat turkey flavored treats, we have tried her on a variety of different wet food because you can buy it in small amounts so you don't waste any.  We mostly tried the tuna flavored variety and she will eat the kitten kind (she is extremely skinny, for being a full grown two year old cat she only weighs 6 pounds when she should weigh about 8 or 9 according to our vet) she will eat a bit of the food she likes and then won't eat it anymore.  She used to eat real tuna and now wont eat it, she used to eat real ham, turkey or chicken, now won't touch the stuff.  We are a bit lost as to what to do, we want her to gain weight and be healthy and happy but she just won't eat anything we try more then once.  What do you suggest?


I love NuVET
_______________________ pet chef follow-up ________________________
Hi again : Let me know if you try the Pet chef's recipes at the link below?
JUST wondering if you have any luck...
Write back if you need more help with your cat.

Marie Peppers /
Ask the pet Nurse

Hi Eryn - I am not a big RAW fan but I bet she will eat raw...
Here is the Hawaii Pet Chef's site:
See her section on feeding cats a raw diet...
It is worth a try and EASY:
Well, the hawaii lady makes it easy:
see here:
I love her ideas!

Also, NuVET Feline powder can be placed into the RAW:
see here:
Tell them pet nurse Marie sent you...
use referral code 81098
not sold in stores..

BEST wishes!
