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Is it the cat food?


Hi Marie, I have 2 cats. One is a large Norwegian male just over 3 years old. He had to have surgery for a urinary blockage and crystals. The vet put him on canned URI and he wouldn't touch it at home, even though he ate it while he stayed with the vet. But I am assuming he was just starving from being in such pain. Its also Very costly at $30 a case. I started him on Fancy Feast, which he loves mixed with partial of the URI and adding a touch extra water to it. Hes been fine since.

My problem is my 1 year old kitten. She was also eating this mixture and had no problems. I recently ran out of the URI and was giving them just the Fancy Feast or 9 Lives. She has been throwing that up every morning after she eats. I also noticed she is going #2 outside of the litter box and it seems a bit runny. Could it be the changing of the food or could there be more to it? My cats do not go outdoors, if that makes a difference.

Well, it may be the poor cat food she is getting???
Also, I hope she doesn't have worms?  YOU mentioned she is an inside cat so I would think it would be the food problem.
You can get her some better food and see if that helps.
Also, for a few days you can do a little bit of white cooked chicken and a small amount of white rice - mix with some chicken broth - just a teaspoon or two.
We can talk new brands of cat foods, if you would like.
BETTER foods = better health for your cats.

Marie Peppers LPN MA