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PH balanced for felines; home cooking for cats; cat food recipes;


Hi, Tuti the Abyssinian who owns me is about 7 years old. I'm thinking of changing his diet from all kibble to half kibble and half EVO canned venison.

Here's the background on this: He has been on a 50/50 mix Hills Science Diet Z/D (because he often vomits) and C/D (because he had UTI some years ago). It appears that he doesn't like this diet and he still vomits after eating. He has been thoroughly checked by our vet, who prescribed first Royal Canin and then switched to Hills Science Diet.

Yesterday, Tuti vomited after each meal. In desperation, I opened an "emergency" can of off-the-shelf, wet cat food, something he has never eaten.  I mixed the canned half and half with the kibble.

Tuti's appetite returned with gusto, he ate the wet food, sucked every bit of juice out of the kibble, and then spit out the kibble! What's more, the vomiting stopped.

So, is this a good diet change for Tuti, 50/50 Evo canned venison and Royal Canin C/D (low ash diet)?

I would do the transition gradually from his current diet to the new mix.

Thank you kindly from me and my hungry master.


cat food recipes; Hill's RX dog food reviews;
Hi Lesilie and Tuti;  I would rather see you place Tuti on home-cooking meals ( recipes below) - The Canned EVO is fine for 1 or 2 days per week but not 7 days per week.

Please try this recipe - EASY and he will love it!

HOPE this helps ---Keep me posted.

WE have had great luck with this diet:

( you can leave out the Veggies if you want )**

4 parts carbohydrate:  
Pureed barley flakes and /or baby food creamed corn

2 parts protein:   
Lightly broiled chicken or beef or  you can also use baby food chicken

1 part vegetable:
Chopped of finely grated raw vegetable or vegetable juice-carrots, zucchini, and alfalfa sprouts are best.  
( Use a blender or grinder)
CATS are not too fond of veggies...

2 teaspoons soft butter

Cook at 350 for 15-20 minutes .

I cook all my meats.

Please add 1/2 teaspoon per day - per cat Of the NuVET feline powder/ this is a vitamin and much needed for cats when home cooking.  
Otherwise, they will not get the vitamins and minerals they need to stay healthy.

NuVET for cats:
NuVET is Excellent: (* Holisic and not in pet stores )

see here for ordering NuVET Feline Formula:
**CALL in all First orders - talk to the NuVET gals - tell them about your cat.
1-800-474-7044 ~~~~~ Tell them Pet Nurse Marie Peppers sent you...
Look for NuVET feline powder / and use my name :
Marie Peppers ask for the 15 % off when you mention my name...********

Cooking for you cats is very easy - You can feeze up some for 2 weeks at a time.
You can keep the food cold and use it within 3 days.
YOU don't have to cook every day...JUST heat up from the freezer what you need.
Some folks use Freezer bags and make individual meals.

This diet is PH balanced and Phosphate balanced for you cats.
Also, low in fats

Marie Peppers LPN MA
Pass the diet by your vet if you have concerns.

Good luck !!!!
KEEP me posted and save my e-mail