Pet Information > ASK Experts > Cats > Cat Food > hills cd for urinary stones in feline; home cooking for cats;

hills cd for urinary stones in feline; home cooking for cats;


I read where you offer someone your recipes to cook their own food for their cat.
My male cat approximately 12 years old,is comming home tomorrow from  his second deobstructing. The vet insists strictly only hills cd and not one mouthful of anything else is the answer to keep him from becoming obstructed again,even though it didnt work last time.Im near my end on what I can do and just dont know what to do now.

Could you please tell me about your recipes?

Hi Toni - this will help your Senior kitty:
Home-cooking is the best you can do..
Show your VET the Recipe... ( you can educate him/her) on proper feeding with home-made special diets:

First - good to have:

Dog Roys cranberry powder -  
you can get it thru Revival Animal Health on-line
( or at your local pet stores-  Cranberry for pets)

As for food :
here are some recipes for cats with urinary problems/  helps to keep away the UTIs.

Cat food Hill's RX food ; home cooking for cats with crystals ; stones; feline UTI;

You need a low protein and low phosphorus food.

A low-grain food for UTI and struvite control in cats:

WE have had great luck with this diet:

Cats with Kidney Problems
( Stops The UTI and stones)

4 parts carbohydrate:   
Pureed barley flakes and /or baby food creamed corn   ( barley flakes can be found in the baby food area)

2 parts protein:   
Lightly broiled chicken or beef or  (you can also use baby food chicken )
You can use a Dash of Olive oil with the beef

1 part vegetable:
Chopped of finely grated raw vegetable or vegetable juice-carrots, zucchini, and alfalfa sprouts are best.  ( Use a blender or grinder)
CATS are not too fond of veggies...
MUST be pureed to digest  *( YOU can skip this if your cat doesn't like the veggies)

2 teaspoons soft butter

Cook at 350 for 15-20 minutes .

You can also serve raw to cats  

**** I cook all my meats.

NuVET supplement each day:

Please add  1 full teaspoon per day - per cat Of the NuVET feline powder/ this is a vitamin and much needed for cats when home cooking.   ( Will Balance out the home cooking for your older boy)
Otherwise, they will not get the vitamins and minerals they need to stay healthy.  **********

Order: ( sold here at NuVET Labs in California)
NuVET for cats:
NuVET is Excellent: (* Holistic and  `````Not in pet stores )

see here for ordering NuVET Feline Formula:
**CALL in all First orders - talk to the NuVET gals - tell them about your cat.
1-800-474-7044 ~~~~~ Tell them Pet Nurse Marie Peppers sent you...
Let them know we are working on HOME-cooking recipes.

Look for NuVET feline powder / and use my name :
Marie Peppers ask for the 15 % off when you mention my name...******** ( 81098)

Cooking for you cats is very easy - You can feeze up some for 2 weeks at a time.
You can keep the food cold and use it within 3 days.
YOU don't have to cook every day...JUST heat up from the freezer what you need.
Some folks use Freezer bags and make individual meals.

This diet is PH balanced and Phosphate balanced for you cats.

Marie Peppers LPN MA

Pass the diet by your vet if you have concerns.
Most vets have very little knowledge of cat nutrition.

Good Luck
Marie Peppers LPN MA