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We have a long haired white cat, bronze eye color, that uses the box but has feces hanging off its rectum. What is the best way to clean that area without emerging the cat in soapy water?

Hi Patricia,

For long haired pets, I usually trim the hair under the tail very carefully using blunt scissors and/or professional clippers.  You can do this carefully and remove minimal hair so that it won't be noticeable but will prevent urine and feces from collecting there.  It will also make it easier for the cat to groom.  If you don't want to cut any hair, you can take a FURminator brand grooming comb, a shedding blade, or similar fine-toothed grooimg comb and carefully brush the area.  Products like that (the FURminator in particular) are often great at removing mats...and also feces, burs, etc. from the coat.  They will remove all debris and then you can simple wipe the hair with a damp cloth to remove any discoloration.  There are also waterless products, such as a waterless and soapless shampoo by Nolvasan which is also contains a safe disinfectant.  However, only use this after first brushing all of the particles out...if you use this first and it become wet, will just be harder to get out.

I'm sure your pretty white cat will really appreciate your helping him clean himself.  I've had some with really long coats that would run and hide when feces got stuck in their hair and they didn't dare try to groom it out once they realized what was on them.  They are always happy when you clean it out for them and/or keep the fur trimmed there.  

Hope this helps!