Pet Information > ASK Experts > Cats > Cat Food > Bengal or Savannah cat

Bengal or Savannah cat


I have fostered a cat that I was told was a Savannah but he looks like a Bengal when I look on the internet. His original owner was allergic to him or so I was told.  We have other cats and feed them commercial cat food. The new cat doesn't do well on the other cat's food. He gets diarrhea.  We have been feeding him Science Diet sensitive stomach and it seems OK.
We had him X-rayed and the vet said everything seemed OK.  Is there any other food we should give him.  He looks very healthy and is not over or under weight.  He is a good eater. If we leave food out he over eats. We feed him about 3/4 cup of Science diet twice a day.  He is supposed to be 1 and 1/2 years old.  He weighs 17 lbs.  Is there anything special we should know about this cat? How can we tell if it is a Bengal or a Savannah? Does it make any difference in regard to his diet?  We aren't breeders and had him fixed so the females would be less harassed. He is quite intimidating to the others because of his size. He has a very nice personality.  He just likes to play with the other cats but they are afraid of him. He is a monster. He acts like a big kitten but I am told he is an adult.   
Cliff Titus


Marie Peppers LPN MA
Hi Clifford- I wish you luck with your new addition!
I need you to take your question over to this gal at our All experts cats section:
she may be able to tell you what kind of cat this will need to send her a photo....

Now, if this boy has had loose stools he may need a good supplement to balance his belly and immune system.
The science diet is ok for short term... I would like to see you get some Innova for cats and mix that with the Science diet.
YOU can do a 50/50 mix at each of his feedings.  Do this for about 30 days and then go to 100% of the Innova EVO cat food.
Also, it is good to give him some WET canned Innova cat food 2-3 x per week.
VERY good for the kidney to get some wet food.

Here is the link for the NuVET feline supplement.

BEST wishes!!!

Marie Peppers LPN MA
ASK the pet nurse