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Feline food allergies sojo cat food ; sojo cat food mix raw or cooked meats ;


I've been feeding my cat Saedi a diet of raw food for about four years now. She was initially on a diet of mostly ground chicken/turkey or beef, but for just under a year has been on a diet of mostly chicken with some beef chunks and sardines in it. We also add vitamins and supplements to ensure she is getting a balanced diet.
One of our vets is very anti-raw diet, and is a complete jerk about anyone who does choose that option.
Anyway, about a year ago we noticed some strange lesions on Saedi's tongue. We took her to the vet, who prescribed an anti-inflammatory and antibiotic for two weeks to see if it cleared it up. It did not, and so the vet said to just leave it since they didn't seem to be bothering her at all.
A couple months ago I noticed that Saedi was meowing much quieter that she ever had before, and that the initial 2 lesions had merged with each other and become one larger lesion. So we took her to the vet a couple weeks ago, and had a biopsy done. The biopsy came back that she had a feline granuloma with hypersensitivity likely due to a food allergy.
The vet recommended that we switch her to a different food with a different protein and treat her with Depo steroid shots. Now we have her on Hills Science Diet d/d wet food (duck and green pea flavour), and Natural Balance Allergenic Duck and Green Pea kibble.

I'm wondering if you have any other suggestions for foods we could put her on, that might be of a better nutrition than the science diet, which according to the ingredients doesn't really have much in the way of good cat nutrition.Also, if it turns out that this treatment works, what will be our ultimate course of action? How will I know for sure what exactly she is allergic to? I would like to eventually put her back on a raw diet, but how would I go about doing that with the allergy complication? And does it necessarily have to be a FOOD protein that she is allergic to? Could it be an insect or environmental protein? What about allergens to grains or something else in the food?
Thank you.

Did you try the SoJo home cooking ?

SoJo cat food - Mix in your own fresh or lightly cooked meats:
Cat with Allergies;  
Any luck ?  Did you try a new food?

SoJo cat food "mix" can be used with RAW meats or cooked meats -
I wonder if your "allergy cat" will do well on the SoJo program...????
SEE here for more help ---

FREE shipping with this link
Let me know if you try it?
Also, I have many wonderful recipes for home cooking - I can send you some...
JUST ask
Marie Peppers LPN MA


Hello,  I feel it must be food related because of how the granuloma has developed.  You could feed her lightly cooked duck and a few fresh veggies.... Sorry, I am not sure how you will see what her allergy is unless you go through the expensive testing with a special vet for dermatolory disorders.

Hate to see her on the Steroid shots but this appears to be your only option at this point in time.  
I just don't have anything to add right now.  

I sure do wish you luck -  You may want to check out the Yahoo Groups- there are many RAW food groups at Yahoo.

BEST wishes

Marie Peppers LPN MA