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Scratching and my kitty


I have two cats.  My female is having a lot of problems with scratching.  Approximately two months ago I took her to the vet after she had scratched away hair on both sides of her face.  The vet couldn't explain it, but said maybe she was allergic to her food.  He discovered another spot on her back that she had scratched.  He checked for fleas and ear mites and found neither.  He gave her a shot and other medication that I was to give her at home.  I changed her food.  However, my already overweight cat began to gain weight.  I changed back to the original food.  She improved for a few weeks and all the areas healed.  Then she started scratching again.  She quickly almost dug a hole in the side of her face---one of the same sites as before.  After taking her to an animal hospital, she again received a shot and medication for home.  Again, no real reason was given...just the suggestion that she might have an allergy.  After wearing a cone for several weeks and taking the medication, the site healed.  In addition to the scratching, she tends to vomit frequently.  Now she is scratching the inside of one ear.  The area is raw.  She twitches her ear frequently.  However, as she has been scratching for some time, vomits and no sign of any parasite has been found, I tend now to believe she is suffering from a food allergy.  Since the vets both believed this to be a possibility but did not do any tests, I do not want to take her back to one the vets.  She eats Purina Cat Chow for Indoor Cats.  Do you believe this is her problem or do you think it might be something else?  If it's a food allergy, what should I do?  I don't want my kitty to have to scratch herself anymore and I don't want her to gain weight.

Hi Becky, Sorry for the delay in your answer, I was ill.
You can give your kitty Benadryl for itching. ( 1 mg of Benadryl per pound of cat every 8hrs.)
ASK your VET if that dosage will be good for your baby.

I would love to see you home cook for this kitty.
To start - Just offer the following - We can expand on this recipe over time with adding some veggies.

Feline Feeding Formula:

Offer 2-3 small meals per day.
Do not offer any dry cat food at all.  ( for a few months)

       Cooked  GROUND or diced chicken or turkey (you can use a skillet and a few teaspoons of olive oil

       or cooked seafood

       tuna in water  ***(occasionally, not daily)

Natural Supplements For Cats
FEED 1/2 cup of food 2 x per day.
1/4 cup  as afternoon snack

Please call the NuVet folks for NuVET feline - A great supplement for home cooking.
A must with home-cooked feline recipes...
Tell them Pet Nurse Marie is helping you learn home-cooking.
Give discount code 81098 for the 15% off

START out with only 1/2 teapoon per day mixed into food.
AFTER a few weeks then increase to 1 full teaspoon per day.
The company will tell you to do 1 full teapoon - DO not follow that.  Follow my instructions.

Let's save you some money and home-cook for this baby.

Happy Cooking!

Marie Peppers LPN MA