Pet Information > ASK Experts > Cats > Cat Food > OCD licking cats; cat nutrition for rashes; cat vitamins;

OCD licking cats; cat nutrition for rashes; cat vitamins;


Hi,  I have 2 cats who both lick the fur off of their abdomens and hunches.  Could it be a food issue?  The male doesn't seem to suffer from any noticeable irritations but the female does break out with red marks on her abdomen.  I don't think they have fleas.  They are never outdoors.

Hi Rose,  I wonder if they are lacking in some needed nutrients?
Also, this could be just an odd " Learned " behavior......  
You can try adding NuVET Cat vitamins to the program each day.
Just 1/2 to 1 teaspoon per cat per day :  mixed into some Wet canned food or a little tuna.
Most cats don't even know you have mixed it in****  No taste at all.

They give you a 60  day  money back guarantee; it's great for allergies, skin & coat problems, excessive shedding....  
WE use only NuVET cat supplements at our clinic****

It helps to re-build the immune system to fight off bacterias and infections.
Not sold in stores;
NATURAL/ Holistic -  You can order it here:  
( ASK for the 15% off Auto Ship program...) - They will send it out tomorrow..
Use DISCOUNT Code# 81098
AGAIN, it's guaranteed.  ( If it doesn't work, it's Free)
You can also call  1-800-474-7044  ( Tell them you are working with Pet Nurse Marie)

Best wishes.... HOPE the NuVet Helps!

Marie Peppers LPN MA

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ASK the VET Nurse; Dog Vitamins; Cat Vitamins; remedies pet rashes ; NuVet Plus Supplements ; scratching and skin problems; No more tear stains; Dog Food Recipes; Home remidies for pets; Maltese eye stains, Herbs for Pets; English Bulldog health; French Bulldogs; American bulldogs; bulldog shampoo; puppy feeding ; NuVet guaranteed; Itchy pets; canine hot spots; itchy paws;