Pet Information > ASK Experts > Cats > Cat Food > fat cat/ Innova Evo cat food review; Nu Vet Feline vitamins ; testimonial from persian cat breeder;

fat cat/ Innova Evo cat food review; Nu Vet Feline vitamins ; testimonial from persian cat breeder;


hello. i have a 9 month old kitten and i have noticed it has gotten a little chubby. do you know any advice on how to give him less food but not starve him?

*****Follow up - Paul- HOW is your Fat cat doing.... ???******
Did we take off any weight?  Did you try the Adult Innova Cat food ?
Let me know how you are doing...?
Update me----
Marie Peppers LPN MA
Ask the pet Nurse
Hi Paul  I would slowly pull your cat off the old food and onto this:

I would go with Innova EVO cat food ( Adult formula )  /
the WET and Dry forms.

Make sure he gets  1/2 cup of the wet food each day....
here is a link for Innova:

WET food is good for the cat kidneys...
Give 1/2 cup of dry food per day  - Follow the back of the package. Always feed a little less than what the bag says.
Let me know if you can't find this brand ????

Now, Let's add some NuVET Feline Formula: Cat vitamins.
( KEEPS the VET away )

From Persian Breeder

NuVet Plus for cats comes in a powder which is simply added to a little wet/canned food or sprinkled over dry food once each day.
I prefer to mix it in with the canned food for our Persian cats. This supplement has helped us maintain great coats, enhance digestion and furthermore, we believe that it has assisted our Persian cats in being their healthiest ever.
We have talked with other people who have used this product and who gave it to their older cats and those cats acted "years younger" after being on it for a couple of months or cats with severe skin problems that completely cleared up after starting these supplements.

To Order:

Please give them a call.

Ask for their All Natural Daily Feline Supplement (NuVet Plus).
The order code is 81098.
You will need this order code in order for NuVet to process your order as they do not sell to the public without a referral from either a breeder or veterinarian.

Also, tell them you saw Pet Nurse Marie at the All experts site:

Their telephone number is: 1-800-474-7044 (P.S.T.).

Don't forget to tell them the order code number: 81098.

Keep in touch with me...Let me know how the food change over goes..
BEST wishes,

Marie Peppers LPN MA

my private e-mail