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HIV cat with diabetis


I have been trying to do some research on the diabetes side of my question. My mother is in Germany and a "cat angel" She deeds cats, brings them to the vet if sick, helps them to health, fights humans who mistreat... and not only her own 6 cats, no, she makes every day her round to her feeding places, spots cats and befriend herself until they trust her and come to her.
The cat in need of help is her Peter. Long story short, she says peter saved her life and she is doing everything to help him. The Vet prescribed a diet HIGH WITH SUGAR!!! How can some #%$%&^$&&** do this to a cat with diabetes??? My mother called me for help and now I am researching what to do. I found so far that you have to cut down on carbs and even lower the protein a little. But on my research I am trying to find a cat food that is designed to feed a diabetic cat. I have found that dry food is not the best, but might have to stick with dry food. Is there anything, any brand that you could recommend?

Hi Harold,

Aw, bless your mom! What a wonderful woman to do this for kitties in need.

Oh man, I feel your pain with a vet prescribing a diet high in sugar. I think some vets get their degree out of a bubblegum machine. Sheesh.

One thing, kitties need protein from meat to survive, and the best human-grade meat to thrive, so a low protein diet is not a good idea. Here's a link to some great info (and what I would tell you anyway <grin>) to help you with Peter and his diabetes: just go through the pages and Sandy talks about diet, also. (If you're not patient enough to read through to that part, here it is:

One thing, I highly suggest not to feed dry to a diabetic kitty and your mom will have to test his glucose levels before meals to gauge how much insulin to give. Some kitties' diabetes can be managed with diet alone. I sure hope that in time that is the case with Peter.

Please let me know how the sweet boy is doing. ((hugs))

Best regards,