Pet Information > ASK Experts > Cats > Cat Food > Dietary advice tuna for cats ; mercury in tuna fish for cats ; cat food experts;

Dietary advice tuna for cats ; mercury in tuna fish for cats ; cat food experts;


My cat, Dewi, is three and a half years old.  I rescued him when he was around 10 weeks old, and until recently he would only eat catfood.  I tried giving him some treats such as chicken or tuna, but he refused to eat them.  However, around 6 - 8 weeks ago he started eating tuna that I had put down for another of our cats and now he can't get enough of it!  I don't mind buying him the tuna, and I make sure that he's eating catfood in between to try and make sure that he is getting all the vitamins that he needs.

My query is: Is it safe for him to have tuna every evening provided he eats catfood during the day, or should he only eat it once or twice a week?  I obviously don't want his health to suffer because of his diet, but he now loves tuna so much and I don't want to take that pleasure away from him unnecessarily.

I would be very grateful for your advice.

Many thanks,

Karen Williams.

cat food and feeding ; cat food tuna and Mercury ;

Hi Karen , Did you get Dewi to eat anything besides the Tuna fish ?  
I am here to help - I have some recipes , if you want them, just ask...

Well, there have been a few problems with tuna and Mercury..
The only concern I have is the Mercury content.
Otherwise, it would be fine to have cat food in the AM and tuna in the PM

BEST wishes,

Marie Peppers